NOVEMBER 14, 2023: All High School Principals receive comprehensive information concerning scholarship process including nomination details and applications.
JANUARY 17, 2024: Principals must have their school nominations to their Area Chairperson.
JANUARY 24, 2024: Area Committees make their selections and submit them immediately to Region Chairpersons.
JANUARY 31, 2024: Region Committees select the region winners and submit the information to the Bryant-Jordan office immediately, but no later than FEBRUARY 5, 2024.
FEBRUARY 24, 2024: Regional winners are notified via mail of selection by Bryant-Jordan Program including banquet information and additional scholarship opportunities. Winners will receive these letters at their home address.
MARCH 2024: State Selection Committee will meet to select Class and Overall Winners.
APRIL 15, 2024: 39th Annual Bryant-Jordan Awards Banquet and Ceremony at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel Ballroom.
Please contact Shelton Thompson with any questions concerning the Bryant-Jordan Scholarship Program at (205)397-7775 or